A new immersive theatrical experience: “Saucer Con: Us & Them For A Better Future,” is an imagined evening of interplanetary conference (as allowed by the current terms of the treaty).
April 2017. A theatrical debut to unite humans and extraterrestrials. Presented in collaboration with Paradox Productions
Written by Megan Clark, Catherine Hansen, Gwethalyn WIlliams
Directed by Megan Clark and Gwethalyn Williams
Starring: Samuel Ahern, Catherine Hansen, Shira Levenson-Mayket, Michelle Makie, Mike Mayket, Mickaylee Shaughnessy, Allison True, and Kjer Whiting
“Saucer Con: Us & Them For A Better Future,” is an imagined evening of interplanetary conference (as allowed by the current terms of the treaty). Hosted by Dave David, intergalactic motivational speaker and podcast host, the evening will include lectures and presentations from experts in many areas of human-extraterrestrial relations, entertainment by celebrities from Earth and beyond, experiencer sessions, a screening of entries into the EBE Film Festival, a vendor exposition, and a social mixer sponsored by Darkless Space Beer.
Saucer Con examines the roots and expressions of extraterrestrial encounters as cultural mythology. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, the influence of accounts of UFOs and alien encounters on our popular culture is undeniable. “Researching this show we discovered what a deep and fascinating worldwide phenomenon UFO and alien encounter culture really is. Plausible ideas coexist with what seems like the craziest, most unlikely ideas you’ll ever hear, horror mixes with optimism. You know you are never getting the full story, or that what seems likely about the story is changing with each new piece of information. That constant turmoil of shifting understanding and wondering what to believe is what we have tried to recreate with this show,” says director Gwethalyn Williams.