XTL FunZone
There is something freeing about doing something weird with assurance that it will not only be appreciated but celebrated.
Macy Lanceta
Alumna & Actor
What is the FunZone?
FunZone is a virtual gathering space for all who are interested in exploring experimental theater techniques and virtual theater making techniques. This is just for fun, we have no agenda towards making anything specific, or any lofty goals. We just want to try stuff out, see what we can do, see how things work, and gather together for some fun with others who are interested in trying and thinking about these things too. Making discoveries is more fun when we get to share them with others.
What will we do in the FunZone?
We will play games together during video meetings, we will read and discuss plays, and we will provide prompts for you to explore further outside of our meeting time together and then share your discoveries with the group.
Who should join?
Anyone who is interested in exploring virtual theater making and/or experimental theater techniques is welcome to join. No experience is necessary.
What to expect
We want this to be a low key, relaxed, fun way for people to get together, hang out, and see what is possible with virtual theater making. We will learn just as much from things that don’t work as from things that do, so we hope you will feel very free to just try stuff out and see what happens!
In order for everyone to feel comfortable in the FunZone we believe in creating an atmosphere of respect for each other and for the work. We expect all FunZone adventurers to uphold this atmosphere of respect in all their FunZone participations.
Part of the respect we extend to each other includes the right of nonparticipation. Participation in any and all parts of the funZone is entirely voluntary. If ever, for any reason, you do not wish to participate in anything we are engaged in you do not have to and no one will give you any guff about it. We just ask that if you decide not to participate that you not do anything to distract those who are participating.