A flexible toolkit for expression through performance.

Experimental Theatre Lab is more than a theatre workshop.

We offer a unique set of techniques and processes that open up participants to exploring new ways of communicating, of relating to other people, and to their own bodies. We dissect and reshape cultural stories into brave new works of theatre.

The Experimental Theatre Lab seeks to provide opportunities for everyone to expand their abilities for expression and understanding by encouraging creative bravery.

MXTW Whole Group Piece: the court of Denmark explodes in response to the emotions and actions of Prince Hamlet.
MXTW Whole Group Piece: the court of Denmark explodes in response to the emotions and actions of Prince Hamlet.

Play allows us to explore our humanity

We empower people of all ages to play. We acknowledge the artist in everyone and honor the spirit of play. You are an artist right now. You don’t have to be interested in theater or be an actor, we are for anyone who is interested in learning new things.

Why do we sacrifice so much energy to our art?

Not in order to teach others but to learn with them what our existence, our organism, our personal and repeatable experience have to give us; to learn to break down the barriers which surround us and to free ourselves from the breaks which hold us back, from the lies about ourselves which we manufacture daily for ourselves and for others; to destroy the limitations caused by our ignorance or lack of courage; in short, to fill the emptiness in us: to fulfill ourselves…art is a ripening, an evolution, an uplifting which enables us to emerge from darkness into a blaze of light.

— Jerzy Grotowski

Gwethalyn Williams

Gwethalyn Williams

Audible Breath Master

Theater facilitator based in Denver, CO. Specializing in leading collaborations to create new works. As a director she finds inspiration in the tension between the concrete and experiential aspects of our existence.

Megan Clark

Megan Clark

Word Jazz Conductor

Playwright and youth director based in Manhattan, KS. As a writer she is interested in the connection of striking opposites: science and emotion, and physical reality and dream worlds.

Ash Flinn

Ash Flinn

Pineapple Umbrella Wizard

A maker and artist based in Bellingham, WA. As an educator they enjoy nuturing brash creativity and thoughtful dissections of mythology.

Things we can do.

Full workshops

3–7 weeks of physical training, studying existing works, writing original short plays, culminating in a public performance.


We can train your artists to lead their own Hamilton Method workshops.


We create high-quality existing avant-garde and original productions.

Shorter workshops

We can customize a workshop to fit your needs, goals, and timeline.

Consultation & Collaboration

Directing, collaborating, or consulting on theatrical productions of an experimental nature including devised work and collaborative creation of original works, site-specific, immersive, and environmental works.